Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hot, Hot, Hot!

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Ladies, this is James Denton. This man is HOT. Smokin hot. I have never had a 'crush' on anyone but my husband, but damn, this man does it for me. Raw, masculine hotness. My pulse is quickening as I think about him! ;)

So ladies... what celeb does it for you? You can only pick one...


Christina said...

I am so with you on that. He is one beautiful specimen. As I drool watching him on the tube, my husband yells, "I'm in the room!"


Sam said...

Hmmm...I can only pick one?! That is so NOT FAIR! I will have to think about this and get back to you. How the hell do I choose just one?! *grumble grumble*

Sam said...

Okay, I think I've narrowed it down to 2.

Patrick Dempsey (Hubba hubba!)

Michael Vartan (*sigh*)

Please don't make me choose!!!!

insanemommy said...

OMG. I'd like to lick him starting at his toes! He's pretty delicious! I still am in big time love with Matthew McConaughey or Luke Wilson. I find both of them to be eatable. Yummmm... You did say this blog was un-rated. Right?!

Yoli said...

MIKE ROWE!!! I have his gorgeous self on my blog right now. That man only needs to talk and I get dizzy.

crazylady said...

and he's great at flushing pipes too.

RamblingMother said...

He is doing a pretty good job on me right now.


Lani D said...

Ooh, Gerard Butler and Jeremy Sisto do if for me at the moment. Mmmm...