Thursday, August 30, 2007

Yup, I'm a little twisted...

You know you laughed...


Sam said...

Ooooo!!!! I love it!!! Okay, so do I know you in another life (blog)???

Sam @ Just Keep Swimming

crazylady said...

okay an anon with a sense of humour, FINALLY

and I laughed... and voted. Feel so politically correct now.

I want more things to do around here.

insanemommy said...

Ouch. I'm laughing cuz I too wish I hadn't told the fam. They get all bent out of shape if I say something on the blog that might "hint" that I had anything but a rosey non-dysfunctional (big laugh) life! Oh, I'm really laughing now.... It was so dysfunctional....

mommy24treasures said...

I wish sometimes I could talk about my family frustrations just a bit from time to time on my blog too... Never thought about that end of it when creating and sharing. Smart to make one just to be the REAL you. :)
Thanks for visiting!

cougchick said...

okay, I don't know who you are but I love you already. As for my family and friends, they already know the real me and they keep coming back for more. Those that don't, I usually scare off in the first few minutes. Fess up, who is ya baby????

Yoli said...

I have to keep it pretty PG but I have another blog where I blog just to myself. This is a nice place to put up your feet, take a drink and be yourself. Thanks for making this blog...