Saturday, September 29, 2007

UNPLUGGED - the Ipod Story

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Two weeks ago, I had a problem with my teen girl. She was sporting some 'tude. She was dissing me; not cool. We have a form of punishment around here, called ______ unplugged (insert offender's name).

This means everything electronic is GONE. No TV, no Ipod, no electric toothbrush (okay, I kid on that one). No gameboy, no radio... if it uses electricity... forget about it!

So, I took her Ipod... and I put it somewhere...

Well, at the end of her week of 'unpluggness', she came to me asking for her Ipod. I can't remember where I put it! REALLY! It's been a week now that she could have had it, only if I knew where the darned thing is! I guess it will turn up eventually... hehehe


kitchu said...

Oh man, bummer for her! But very good punishment technique...

Sam said...

Sucks to be her! hehehe!!! Maybe this will teach her a lesson (other than Mom is losing it)!

insanemommy said...

Hey, what do you take away when mommy has been bad?! Your batteries??? Hmmmm

Yoli said...

You are evil. Give that child back her lifeline!

cougchick said...

Way to go, Mrs. Alzheimer.

Heather said...

What a fantastic parenting technique!