Friday, February 1, 2008

Funnies Video I've EVER seen...

I wish I could just post it, but you'll have to take THIS LINK to it. It is FUNNY, BUT 'R' rated. Enjoy!


crazylady said...

Oh Jeezzz, that was so funny. But I read the comments and didn't realize Matt was married. If he is, that's kinda shitty to his wife I agree, but hey, people need to lighten up.
I love Sarah..can't see why so many people hate her? She is bitch extrodinaire!
You need to amuse me more often little MISS Priss!!!
Update weekly???? PLEASE???

Sam said...

LOVE IT!!! Thanks for finally getting your act together!

Sam said...

BTW, I'm F_CKING Matt Damon!

crazylady said...

Oh Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can always rely on you.

insanemommy said...

So, you like the Jew do you?! She is one of my favorites!!! Even if she is fucking Matt Damon. I'd tap that too. lol. I knew you had a naughty side to you. Spank me.